Artist Spotlight: Elisabeth Wing

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Provo, Utah.
What is a favorite childhood memory you have?
I spent a lot of time climbing trees, riding my bike and hiking in the foothills of Provo alone and with my friends. There were big rocks on the hills that I would love to go and sit on and just look at the view and think. I can also remember one summer night when we were playing outside in the rain and lightning struck and the thunder was so close and loud it made our hair stand on end! Another special memory is of my mother reading to me for hours and hours until she would fall asleep. We would spend this time together reading even until I was a teenager.
What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time?
I love hiking, playing pickleball and baking.
When did your love of art begin?
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love art. I have many little sketches my mom saved through the years. My favorite thing to draw when I was 5 was the “Y” mountain and princesses with those old fashioned cone hats! I studied Industrial Design (product design) at BYU and that program taught me the basics of composition and graphic design and also allowed me to fine tune my sketching abilities.
What or who are your biggest inspirations?
Children’s literature was a huge inspiration and I love the illustrator, Carson Ellis. I was also introduced to folk art when we lived in Poland. My parents, Mary and Walter Whipple opened the Poland, Warsaw mission when I was 7 years old and we lived there for three years. My dad collected Polish folk art which consisted of weavings, wooden sculpture, glass paintings and paper cut art. I was surrounded by the most authentic art all throughout my youth, most of it religious.
How has your style evolved?
My illustrative work started out clean and crisp, but I’m headed in a more loose and free direction utilizing a more painterly style.
How has the Gospel of Jesus Christ influenced your work?
The beauty of the earth, which I believe was created divinely, influences most of my art. I am fascinated by plants, animals, geological features and the sky. The Gospel of Jesus Christ teaches hope and compassion and I strive to integrate those messages into my work as well.
What are some of the messages you try to send and hope to portray in your work?
I hope that my art sparks feelings of hope, joy and peace.
What piece are you most proud of? Why?
The most difficult piece I created was the “Who is He” portrait of Christ. I don’t usually use a lot of lettering in my art and lettering all of the phrases and passages of scripture by hand was intense. I created that piece because I wanted an unconventional portrait of Christ in my own home.
What is one goal you have for your work?
I hope my work keeps the viewer engaged and curious. One of the best compliments I’ve ever received was when a child stood still for a while and just looked intently at my “Nature is the Art of God” piece that was hung in my home.

"Nature is the Art of God" by Elisabeth Wing
What message would you like to send to any aspiring artists?
Brainstorm, play and create without the intent of selling your art. Also, realize that there is room for you and your unique perspective. Your artistic expression has the potential to make someone feel in a way they might not have otherwise, so don’t be afraid to share it!
Latter-day Home loves Elisabeth Wing and her work. We are honored to host a handful of her stunning prints. With naturally whimsical, colorful, and unique art, Elisabeth's pieces are inspiring and beautiful in all spaces. All the luck to Elisabeth and we are looking forward to what she will show us next! Check out more from Elisabeth Wing below.